Could I look into the future, or even close a small little clairvoyance, would remain probably saved me many a faux pas, I always know where I again sipped my keys and much Nutella is really still in the glass. But I can not. But there are a few things that I can imagine for the year 2025, or would like to see. One thing is certain, however. I Futtere still much Nutella at hypos, I'll pee in 2025
After nearly 5 years with the Animas Vibe, I received a few days ago my new YpsoPump from Ypsomed from the postman in receipt. I had already posted some photos on our Facebook fanpage and there came immediately the question, why just the YpsoPump? The question is certainly right at first sight, because what do you want nowadays with a pump, which has no CGM connection and where the bolus
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