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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2015

Why I can not be separated from a 20-year-old pants

Diabetics pants ... case one diabetic pants. Well, something like that at least. There are a few things that I can separate difficult. As this öddelige pajama Büx for example. The pajama pants I have already quite a long time. At 20 years, it would almost be. Actually, she is much too large, worn the cuffs and the color no longer has much to do with the original state. Yes I know. No eye

Running on the beach in the morning

I just walk into uncharted territory. And running technique. As I have already said often times (and if not, then I do that now), I am the absolute night-runners. Just stupid that most running events take place in the morning. Running in the morning was always the horror for me, even school sports I then almost hated when he was held in the morning. At a casual drive-lap before the work was never

Diabetes is "no big deal" - right?

Considering the species of pancreatic healthy, so I sometimes have the feeling that they differ in only 2 features. Some are curious and interested. Ask them what it means to have diabetes, why has diabetes, such as the treatment looks like and how it lives with it. I like them.The other think diabetes is "no big deal". I do not like less therefore. They do not know otherwise. To be honest,

Insulin ... If not now, then when?

When Open Journal meeting in Taunus, I noticed that the "splash" absolutely were outnumbered among the participants. I play so long ago with the idea of ​​switching to the pump, but somehow I could not bring myself to struggle through the issue really tackle.DC on Monday after the weekend in Hofgut Georgenthal I am informed about the current pump models. For me actually just 2 pump models are

Diabetes, thoughts, insights, fancies

What? The year is already to go back? Sky, I somehow went all too quickly this time. To be honest, this year was not mine. I have worked a lot, had diabetes moderately traveling a lot. Which of course is good, but my free time has fairly suffered, did little sports and many canceled appointments. Then there was the thing with the teeth to and some other things that could be better run.That is at

Blood sugar plummeting at lofty heights

That relaxation is a positive effect on blood sugar and already no secret in my Scotland trip in October I could clearly feel. After the Weihnachststress was over, I am more or less spontaneously decided to end of the year and to make even the beginning of the year to address a transition low. So rented hut, packed suitcase and from the mountains. No, not this time for skiing, but just relaxing

If the diabetic is ...

In Munich everything was good! We had spent New Year's Eve in the mountains and I had to change on my way to Hamburg and had in Munich. Ilka had a few days to relax drangehängt and had remained in the mountains.When I boarded the train in Munich and arrived in the compartment, was pretty cold to me, although the heating was at level 4, also I got a sudden cough and body aches. And from hour to

Blood Brotherhood campaign

Do you have a person in life who is always there for you, you with advice and practical help, have experienced the great things you already, or with their best buddy just you?Great, then makes with with in the blood brothers campaign."Over millions people in this planet, including many children, must receive daily insulin injections to treat their diabetes. For the exact dose of insulin to check

Spare a Rose, Save A Child - a hope can save lives

Spare a rose Save Child. Roses, tulips carnations ... .all flowers wither. Or so says an adage. When flowers wither, it is actually not more than that they die. And what have the flowers now to do with diabetes? Not only flowers are dying. Even children. From diabetes. And that must not happen.We can complain niht, because we are well supplied with insulin and all the necessary medicines and

Royal sounds stupid blood sugar spikes and loose barrels

Have long been posted keinn retrospect more. Well, not every week is exciting. Well, this was exciting now not particularly, but varied. 4 of 7 days have remained at least hang in the sugar head ...Include Queen. LIVE ... IN CONCERT .... Sky, childhood dreams came true (I'm old?). And again a point on the "What I want to do in life yet" list checked off. The key to reaping Mr. Mercury himself to

I want to tell you something

I want to tell you something ... I moderated along with my slide buddy and colleague Fredrik for the second time in Berlin T1day end of January. This year the number of participants even had doubled, and doubly so excited I was. Also this year, it has again made great fun and there are many lasting impressions remained. Oh, and please all join the Blood Brothers campaign!It was great so many

5 things that I as a diabetic does not want to miss today

Previously everything was better? Hm, like on some things are true (ie earlier than Twix yet Raider was called), but definitely not on Diabetes. In the treatment of diabetes has changed a lot in recent years. Thank God. Sometimes I think back to my first years after diagnosis and have to say ... Thank God is the time passing.Sure there are also things in today that are still expandable (quite

It comes from diabetes!

Not every little complaint must necessarily hang together with the diabetes. To be honest, there are even the least. However, anyone all diabetics seems to have the flea in his ear, each tingling must in all probability behind the left earlobe to diabetes due to be. Each spot on the skin, each aching ankles and every headache is often presented in the social Netztwerken as a byproduct of Mr D.,

My Colorful Life

I'm tired! 3 days Diabetes Conference left eye circles big as saucers and a head full of impressions. Roche had invited the media dialogue, where the Saturday and Sunday were entirely devoted to the SOCIAL media. Well, I'm home! Photo 15.03.15 10 10 40 (1)One or the other will now be wondering whether we went with a small layer of dust on the shoulders back home.Roche is known for quality, but

25 years in Diabetes

25 years Diabetes in numbers. As if not enough eh handled as diabetics already everyday with facts and figures and juggling, I once made me a few thoughts on some numbers that affect me and my diabetes personally. Especially the last points amaze myself a little. Actually, I would be a sieve ...1 hypo that are on my Hypo accountJust 1.8 liters of blood I have already squeezed out of my fingers

# DBW2015 - What if the Easter Bunny had diabetes?

# DBW2015 - What if the Easter Bunny had diabetes? Then that would be my opinion not so bad. Finally, the Easter Bunny is known like a sore thumb. And the Easter Bunny has coverage. You wonder sometimes what the Easter Sunday has the right for a tour, and from whom he meets everything.DBWSo when the Easter Bunny had diabetes, he would take the opportunity to even afford a little reconnaissance

Consistency pays off

Last weekend we went again to the beach. You know, there where the blood sugar levels usually are always totally dufte. Well, has this time not worked. Shortly before the walk on the beach I had nor measured. 200mg / dl. Since planned movement and was still eh insulin on board, I also leave it here, so no correction bolus.So far everything fine. So we enjoyed the beach, the waves, the water, the

Low Carb Cupcake - a serious experiment

Life should be enjoyed. To the fullest. This includes also for food. Carbohydrates. Gern many. So a plate of spaghetti, chocolate mousse or fruit salad have just kohlenhyratmäßig in itself. But that's me every f ** king bolus value.Sometimes I let myself but happy times carried away by low carb food experiments. Will I not let it be said that I have at least not even tried it. So recently in

Diabetes Exchange Berlin

Pictures are worth a 1000 words. Bla bla bla. Known phrase, everyone knows. Whether this is really just a figure of speech or not, for me personally, playing pictures or photos in matters blog an important role.Not only a good writing style binds the reader, but also good photos. And I'm not talking about Photoshop verwursteten color contrast Blur experiments. A good image depends on many things.

Spoiled for choice of insulin pump - 5 pumps compared

Insulin selection. We often reach news, with the question of the "best" insulin pump. The best insulin pump? Is it? Honestly, I think that needs to be invented, but according to the current state of developments, I am confident that some manufacturers make straight since a large Schirtt in the right direction.Nevertheless, the best insulin there personally for me at the moment not yet. Each

CGM leg sensor - fine!

This week was kind of exhausting. Both in general, as well as diabetes moderately. Regarding the saccharified companion, I could once again collect some experiences. Good, and less good. Let's start with the good experience in ...Sensor leg runs like clockworkI have set myself the first time the CGM sensor leg. I usually wear it so only the arm. An abdominal and flank it works for me is not

Horror movies, adrenaline and popcorn - or blood sugar increase after dental treatment

The day before yesterday I wrote about a positive experience last week with my CGM sensor. The announced stupid experience is now today. And was also last week. This experience, although I have to do even more, and it must do in the future probably more often, unfortunately, but I always find it corrosive if the blood sugar shoots without fault of their own (or clumsiness) through the ceiling.

Naked - running without anything

"Hey, you want Saturday's Women's Run in the city park to join?" Something like that, the question of Antje (Sweet Happy Fit) two weeks ago. Running, City Park. Sure, I'm in. Antje had won 2 starting places and it so happened that we as already 2 years ago went together to the starting line. Granted, I did a bit hesitant before the race already, finally said the hottest day of the year should be.