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Diabetes also fills my free time

Sorry first that we have long not heard from us, we had a little more to the winter blues and were also very much on the move. Recently I was asked by a friend why I constantly trip to Rome in my world history, and that you'd only see me in connection with the diabetes blogger events. I had to swallow shortly, to think, only to realize that I really do very much about diabetes type 1 and which


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Why I chose Ypsopump

After nearly 5 years with the Animas Vibe, I received a few days ago my new YpsoPump from Ypsomed from the postman in receipt. I had already posted some photos on our Facebook fanpage and there came immediately the question, why just the YpsoPump? The question is certainly right at first sight, because what do you want nowadays with a pump, which has no CGM connection and where the bolus